2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation – Episode 49


We all have regrets about many things in our lives at any given moment, but should we always say, “I’m sorry?”

We were going to do a podcast apologizing for not having done a podcast since January, but why are we sorry? Whose expectations did we fall short of? You? Are you upset with us?

And, if you feel we did fall short somehow, how much of an impact should we allow that to have on us? What benefit could constantly feeling apologetic possibly have to help us do better?

The change needs to start here. We regret not having released a podcast in a while, but decided that we are not sorry.

What do you regret in your life that you should perhaps stop feeling sorry for?

Three key takeaways from this episode:

  1. There are 3 types of sorry. One is, “I am sorry for doing something wrong.” Another is, “I have sorrow for you about something that you are experiencing.” And then there’s, “I apologize for not being or doing enough.” The last one is where we collectively need to put our attention.
  2. It is common knowledge that today, most of us feel like we are not enough but how does apologizing for ourselves ever make anything better?
  3. Feeling apologetic is not the same as having regret.

We want to hear from you

Let us know your thoughts on this podcast and if you have topics you’d like discussed in a future episode.

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